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(404 CALS!)Ok so my food chart idea sucked.
But I have had a great realisation today; I’ve actually started to enjoy eating healthily.
I was in my local bakery today having my morning bacon sarnie when I asked for it 'on brown, with Flora, no fat'
Once the words had left my mouth the whole shop gave me a look of disgust, a bacon sarnie without soft white bread and thick butter and loadsa ketchup would have been the sin of all sins 10 days ago.
I have become one of those happy people you see outside Starbucks sipping a 'Chai tea latte', flicking their perfectly straightened hair and giving all you un happy people that pitiful white teeth grin.
When I go shopping I feel myself being sucked into the healthy eating section, a force bigger than me is at work here.
While I may look 'bangin' in my ripped denim mini skirt and cut off UGGS (such is the uniform of the happy people) I am sick and tired of worrying about my 5 a day my eight pints of water and my eight hours of sleep. I am however glad that some of the healthy attributes are rubbing off on me, I do rather like brown bread and wild rice isn't that bad either.
I think everyone should try these little improvements and see how they feel!!
SIN OF THE DAY: FISH AND CHIPSI seem to have begun a dangerous pattern of yo yo dieting.
Not in the sense of actually going on and off diets, but that I have started bingeing on food.
One day I will be really bad and eat something completely inappropriate for the experiment, the next, feeling guilty I will eat small extremely healthy meals.
Not only is this cycle exhausting, but as I found out by my good old friend Wikipedia its really bad for my health.
Apparently it can lower your immune system, but horrors of horrors it can actually make you fatter than when you started. It gets worse, the more you 'yo yo' the fatter you get on your stomach... you cant make this stuff up.
So to target this dangerous pattern, set to ruin my swimsuit season, I am making a chart.
Oh yes children, as I can't control what I put in my mouth (no laughing you dirty bastards) I am making a seven-day food chart.
I will write down a food plan for every day of the week and attempt to stick to it.
Ok, so I'm back on the wagon and doing well.
I've decided to stop doing the exercise as my weight is really starting to concern me.
I weighed myself today and I've lost almost a stone in eight days, this is really bad, I feel like I’m doing a race to size 0, not a healthy eating plan.
I’ve started trying to eat high protein foods to boost my immune system and get some extra energy. I spoke to my friend who is a nurse, and on her advice I’m on iron supplements to help my immune system.
Either I am really weak or shouldn't I be getting healthier, not taking iron supplements.
The more and more I do this experiment; the more I think that government doesn't know what’s best for me. Is this healthy regime just for fat people?
Are they just targeting people at risk or should everyone be able to stick to this diet, because in reality... this is a diet.
Well lets just say last night was not one of my finer moments.
One half of cider turned into many pints and a drag on a cigarette.. well you know.
I ended up having 3 1/2 pints of cider and 5 cigarettes. BAD.
I woke up this morning feeling rough, smelly and really dirty.
The affects of a wild night after a week of abstinence makes you feel about 90 years old.
In the haze between drunk and sober I did manage to have a thought... is the union any better drunk?
As I realised this morning drink seems to fill in time, when I was sober a night out felt like an eternity.
Drink makes you lose time, minutes fly by when you have a drink to occupy you. I still felt un confident, tired and bored, i just became more enthusiastic.
The really interesting thing was the affect on my body. Because I am now free of toxins my body rejected the alcohol and gave me the affect of a diuretic ... I went to the loo a lot!
I couldn't get up this morning, my body is so used to routine I felt like my systems were crashing. So i took my own advice and did the alchohol calculator, I managed to drink triple my guide line amount in one day. The worrying thing is that was an easy night, I penned down how much I would usually drink and
3 snake bites
1 cider
2 small wines =15 1/2 units!!!
Thats more than my guideline amount for a week. try it yourself, its scary.
I saw my GP this afternoon.
do you know what his response was..... eat bigger portions!
apparently I am still at a healthy weight and my skin is better, I was practically called a hypochondriac . Just as well I'm not forming an eating disorder, with my healthy eating obsession and rapid weight loss. Shame he didn't even ask me!
I'm sorry this is such as short post but I am pushing myself further into temptations, a Monday night out at the union. I shall update you tomorrow. Wish me luck
Today is officially the first week of my experiment.
On the whole the first week is painful. It is definitely a learning curve; I can see the affects that this week has had on me.
The water is definitely a good thing, as much as I bitched and whined my skin is full and healthy and I do feel like I am in better shape for it.
Because I don't drive I have found the exercise an easy chore, walking to and from university in itself is a half and hour walk, although I am getting big scary walker calves I would advise anyone to ditch the car, it's as dirty as smoking.
On that note smoking is still my greatest aphrodisiac, I thought the cravings would have vanished by now but I still long for that silky feeling of release from a puff on a cigarette.
(All retired smokers will know my pain) stay strong!
The lack of alcohol has really opened my eyes to how much of an ass I must look drunk, as self conscious and bored as I have been on my nights out I do feel better without that Sunday morning hangover. Drink definitely isn't sexy.
Food is the biggest problem with this experiment; I’m dropping weight like crazy. Since I have been having three square meals a day I do feel that I have to snack less and feel more satisfied. But even though I’m sinning everyday my weight loss is a serious problem that I will have to address my GP with.
SIN OF THE DAY: 1 PACKET OF HARIBOI believe the placebo affect has kicked in.
Every piece of fruit seems to be equal to a little piece of happiness at the moment, I don’t know if I'm suffering from multiple personality disorder or fruit actually makes you happy.
I'm blaming the sugar.
Since I’ve been on this experiment I’ve been bouncing off the walls, my sugar levels are really high and I seem to be full of energy.
This leaves me curious as to whether my mind is telling me I should feel better, therefore my body responds. The clue I’m shattered at the end of the day, surely if my body had all this extra energy to burn off I would find it hard to sleep?
The affects on my body are real enough, as I have said before I have never counted a calorie or been on a diet, now I realise why.
My weight seems to be slipping off (BITCH i hear you whisper) at an extraordinary rate even my close friends have seen the difference, this is making me wonder whether this healthy living routine is meant for everyone.
Am I actually endangering my body by starving myself from saturated fat and carbs? It would make sense that my weight loss would affect my energy levels, leaving me tired.
I'm starting to think I’m not actually getting healthier, but that this whole experiment could be detrimental to my health.