Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Day 9


Well lets just say last night was not one of my finer moments.

One half of cider turned into many pints and a drag on a cigarette.. well you know.

I ended up having 3 1/2 pints of cider and 5 cigarettes. BAD.

I woke up this morning feeling rough, smelly and really dirty.

The affects of a wild night after a week of abstinence makes you feel about 90 years old.

In the haze between drunk and sober I did manage to have a thought... is the union any better drunk?

As I realised this morning drink seems to fill in time, when I was sober a night out felt like an eternity.

Drink makes you lose time, minutes fly by when you have a drink to occupy you. I still felt un confident, tired and bored, i just became more enthusiastic.

The really interesting thing was the affect on my body. Because I am now free of toxins my body rejected the alcohol and gave me the affect of a diuretic ... I went to the loo a lot!

I couldn't get up this morning, my body is so used to routine I felt like my systems were crashing. So i took my own advice and did the alchohol calculator, I managed to drink triple my guide line amount in one day. The worrying thing is that was an easy night, I penned down how much I would usually drink and

3 snake bites
1 cider
2 small wines =15 1/2 units!!!

Thats more than my guideline amount for a week. try it yourself, its scary.

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