Friday, May 4, 2007

Day 11


I seem to have begun a dangerous pattern of yo yo dieting.

Not in the sense of actually going on and off diets, but that I have started bingeing on food.

One day I will be really bad and eat something completely inappropriate for the experiment, the next, feeling guilty I will eat small extremely healthy meals.

Not only is this cycle exhausting, but as I found out by my good old friend Wikipedia its really bad for my health.

Apparently it can lower your immune system, but horrors of horrors it can actually make you fatter than when you started. It gets worse, the more you 'yo yo' the fatter you get on your stomach... you cant make this stuff up.

So to target this dangerous pattern, set to ruin my swimsuit season, I am making a chart.

Oh yes children, as I can't control what I put in my mouth (no laughing you dirty bastards) I am making a seven-day food chart.

I will write down a food plan for every day of the week and attempt to stick to it.

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