Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day 5


Let me apologise for not posting yesterday, I had no Internet connection.

I decided to push myself a little further yesterday and drag my behind to a night out at the union.

'Not much of a challenge' I hear you say, well seeing as I have never seen the union without staggering, having a snakebite in one hand and a poorly rolled cigarette in the other, I would say it was a personal triumph that I returned home sober not shit faced!

But as the night progressed, and my friends became more inebriated I realised how alcohol can change everything, from atmosphere to choice of friends.

We all have them, we all know someone who is one, a drunken acquaintance, that person you shout at from the other side of the dance floor, have a dance and a giggle with then ignore the next day. Well as I found last night I have many, alleged friends, who I once found amazing... sober are the biggest losers on the planet.

In that respect alcohol does change things, to be honest I became too self-conscious to dance and was rather embarrassed by my friends dance technique to say the least!

I was bored, tired and rather unimpressed with my drunken friends. The most eloquent and highly intellectual people I know turned into blathering idiots, as much as I appreciate I have done the same on many occasions, being told that you are loved more than 7 times starts to be annoying.

The union changed from being like that bar 'Cheers' where everyone knows your name, to a drunken infested hole where everyone knows your name, then forgets it ten minuets later.

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