Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 2


Today was yet another painful day, not on myself but on my wallet.

I assumed that not going out and not spending money on cigarettes would give me more money to play with, not less.

In fairness I have been buying packaged fruit, which is invariably more expensive, but if government wants people to eat healthier shouldn’t they lower the price of fruit and veg.

This is all making me very disgruntled with the un achievable goals we are supposed to reach. Everyone is supposed to eat 5 a day yet the time needed to buy and prepare healthy food is non-existent. If I, a student cant find time to prepare three healthy meals a day then who the hell can?

If we are all to become healthy, then healthy food needs to be more attainable and no, I'm not talking about loosing the GM's and putting a pretty coloured wheel on food packaging. I’m talking about affordable, healthy, lazy people food. But maybe I’m asking too much?


Anonymous said...

well jelly beans im intriegued by your persistance. I know if i was doing this experiment i'd probably die.The lack of fags and booze, takes commitment. keep up the good work!

Jelly beans said...

thanks for your interest, its an upward struggle but hopefully ill be slim and healthy by the end! keep watching!