Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 17

Well children we have come to the end of our journey.

Unfortunately I am stopping the experiment early, I'm loosing too much weight and it's not good for me.

Well, I suppose this is the part of the blog
Where I say what I have learnt
(god I hate cheesy endings)

Ok so after all of this I guess I am going to have to hold my hands up... some aspects of this have really worked for me.


The not smoking is an obvious good point, those nasty cigarettes will still call to me on a drunken Saturday night, but I think I can resist temptation.

five a day:

I am so sick and tired of fruit, if I never see another piece of fruit again ill be a happy woman.
I don’t think that 5 pieces of fruit and veg is attainable at all.
If you cant make the lazy people of the world healthier, then your never going to get us all healthy.

eight hours of sleep:

The hours of sleep were insane, it just made me tired. To be honest I don’t think anyone could abide by this rule. Back to the drawing board with this one Tony.

Eight pints of water:

Water, ahh eight pints of water a day, surprisingly... attainable!
I quite agree that this is one good idea; Girls it makes you skin beautiful, you feel more energetic and it completely detoxifies your body.

Two units of alcohol:

The hardest and most painful part was the alcohol; I have struggled with this part of the experiment many times! But no scary drunken posts to read, so I must have done quiet well?
I think this is an extremely un attainable request, but a fair one to make.

Well Mr Blair if you’re reading (which I bet your not) I must say you’re not as bad as they make out.

I think I have learnt a lot about myself, and a lot about how far I can be pushed. I hope I have inspired some of you to try this experiment, and all of you to cut down on drinking and smoking.Lots of Government policies are flawed, and i think they have a lot to learn about the general public before they get this healthy living right.

As I say goodbye to all of you, we must also say good bye to Tony. He never controlled us, he tried, but failed miserably.

Mr Brown, take good care of us!

I end our journey together with a little quote to encapsulate this experiment.

' Life’s a bitch and then you die... so fuck the world and lets get high.'

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